Liasioning Services


Liasioning Services

Liasioning services involve application submission, application processing, application approval for insurance and loading, completion of the task, and order of release. Our services are tailored to each client's needs and meet their expectations. An skilled staff with deep industry understanding provides the service we are offering. This service is widely valued for its dependability and prompt completion. Additionally, we offer this service to our esteemed clients at a reasonable price.

MFS (Maharashtra Fire Service) & PMRDA (Town Planning & Fire NOC)

The Maharashtra Fire service keeps you informed of recent developments in the sector as a respectable organisation with years of expertise.
The support for the legislation of the firefighting system by MFS has sparked a contentious debate and are frequently introduced and updated. If installed and maintained properly, the Maharashtra Fire Service's firefighting system has been shown to stop the loss of life and property.
Both a temporary and a final certificate of NOC for fire are issued by the fire department. This will outline the criteria for fire prevention and protection based on the type of structures, their height, the risk of exposure, etc.

MPCB (Maharashtra Pollution Control Board)

The Maharashtra Pollution Control Board grants permission for the operation of the company. The degree of pollution and the amount of environmental effort needed by the organisation to conduct its operations are among the terms and conditions of the permit.
We serve following:
- Consent to Establish and Operate.
- Environment Clearance.
- Environmental Monitoring.
- Follow-ups and liaison with CPCB / MPC and other statutory authorities.
- Undertaking legislative compliance audit.
- Assist in procurement of statutory environmental clearance from MoES.

DISH (Director of Industrial Safety & Health)

The Manufacture, Storage, and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, the Chemical Accidents Rules, and the Maharashtra Factories (Control of Industrial Major Accidents Hazards) Rules have all been assigned to the DISH department for enforcement.
- Plan Layout, Factory License, Factory Layout.
- Safety Audit.
- Risk Management services-OEP, JSA, HIRA, Hazop. Training & development.
- Business management services: ISO-9001:2015 , EMS 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 implementation, ISO-9001:2015 awareness program & training of one day.


For individuals to live in a higher standard of living, industrial growth is required. The Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) is a division of the Maharashtra state government in India, and it was established with the mission of fostering company growth and achieving Maharashtra's industrial development.
Providing services for the management of hazardous waste, the environment, and water supply. Making plans for the work essential to build the industrial infrastructure in the state of Maharashtra is also necessary.